Cleaner Air. Ionizing air purifiers have been installed on all of our furnaces throughout the building, which are circulating and cleaning the air 24/7. These purifiers use positive and negative ions to charge the air as it passes through, killing mold, bacteria and viruses, as well as reducing allergens, odors and other airborne particles.
Social Distancing. While in our building, everyone is encouraged to maintain a reasonable distance between households, whether seated in the auditorium or getting to and from their seats.
Sanitation. Our building is cleaned professionally each week, and all high-touch surfaces are also sanitized weekly.
Health Screening. We do not take temperatures at the door. If you are not feeling well, please stay home and watch the service online. You can find a link to our streaming service under the WATCH tab, as well as links to some of our previous message series.
Face Coverings. Face coverings are not required in our building. But if you want to wear one, no judgment here! A paper mask can be provided to you upon request. We also stream our services online each week via our website, YouTube and Facebook for those who cannot attend in person.
Hygiene. We have several hand sanitizing stations throughout the building, and encourage everyone to "gel in and gel out." All bathroom towel dispensers are pull-down models that do not require touch.
Paper Handouts. We have limited paper handouts. A CONNECT card can be found in the seat pocket in front of each seat, or you can go to the CONNECT tab on our website to contact us if you have any questions, as well as to submit prayer requests or to volunteer.
Communion Services. At TPC, we observe communion (the Lord's Supper) every other Sunday. Attendees who would like to participate are directed past the communion tables during the service. Those attending online instead are encouraged to grab juice and bread prior to the start of the streaming service to participate in communion with us during the service.
Tithes and Offerings. We offer giving through a variety of electronic channels, and there is also a receptacle on the front window wall in the lobby labeled "GIVE." We do not pass offering baskets.
Food & Beverages. Join us for our Sunday morning Coffee & Goody time 15 minutes prior to the service.
TPC Kids (birth through 5th grade) is open every Sunday. Secure check-in and check-out is located in the upstairs lobby.
TPC Youth (grades 6-12) enjoy the music in the auditorium at the beginning of the service, and then head downstairs after the third song. They also meet every Wednesday night from 6:30-8:00 (starting up again on September 6).
LifeGroups are allowed to meet at the discretion of their leaders and members, some via Zoom, some in homes, and some in the building following all TPC sanitation guidelines.
If you'd like information on COVID-19 statistics, vaccines, precautions, etc., please check out the following resources:
Washington State Coronavirus Response (COVID-19) website
Coronavirus U.S. Department of Health & Human Services